8 Pin Socket or Pin Removal Insertion Tool:
We were sick of having to buy the original plastic tools from Deutsch that usually broke within 5 minutes so we teamed up with a professional electronics tool manufacturer to make us our own brand of professional tools. This tool is built to our exacting standards that are field tested to not break no matter how hard you push. It features a CNC machined aluminum handle with a stainless steel tool insert. The end has a unique fluted send that wraps entirely around the pin/socket when inserted to make it easy to insert or remove.
If you have damaged your connector either on your attachment or loader and need to remove the sockets or pins, then this is the tool for you. Does not work with 7 or 14 pin connectors. It work only with the Deutsch 8 Pin Style connectors which use size 10/12 pins and sockets and are found on the following manufacturers machines.. You can use them to remove the pin/sockets or even install them.
Works with Caterpillar ABC series 8 Pin, ASV and Terex.
Here is what your connectors should look like with the old plastic tools shown. These tools will fit either the male or female Deutsch HD connectors.