It features a Dozer Blade install but the rules are the same for most attachments.
This is the harness that people have been blogging about all over the internet. We custom built these harnesses for a few people because we felt sorry for them as they have unknowingly bought Bobcat branded attachments that were 7 Pin compatible only. They were unaware that these attachments will not just plug into their new Cat 8 pin equipped, ASV and Terex machines. These attachments were designed specifically so you cannot do this.
As an attachment manufacturer, this makes no sense to us, but whatever. We never can understand how large corporations operate. There are so many hostile customers out there that we felt that we could help, so here is the deal. We built one of these to see if it would work. Our customer was more than happy to help out with feedback of how he used the harness. We posted this to our database so we could help the next guy. He posted the results to an online forum and then our phones starting ringing off the hook. To keep the kit easily adaptable to the most attachments possible and all of the different machine types, we have made this available as a kit. The 2 pin Delphi connectors are installed as well as the 8 pin.
We have now shipped thousands of these and have added to the database daily. Keep checking back weekly as we will continue to update the results on this page so you can see exactly how to install this harness on your attachment.
How does it work?
Bobcat branded attachments that have a 7 pin harness installed have a computer installed on the attachments. We run our harnesses directly to the solenoids on the attachments. Bobcat installs a computer right in the middle of the action. In most cases it is total overkill and not needed. They have only a few attachments that have a lot of functions that need more than the usual 8 or 14 pin outputs on every other brand in the market. In our opinion, it has more to to with marketing. They are under the mistaken thought that you will only ever buy Bobcat branded attachments. Instead, it just costs you a lot of money changing them back to the way that every other manufacturer does it.
Our harness bypasses their computer and plugs directly into the solenoids and brings the attachment back to reality. The other end plugs into your 8 pin harness on your machine. The only issue we have seen is if your machine is not wired for enough outputs to run that particular attachment. Example. Cat A/B/C series loaders only have four electrical outputs but you may be trying to operate a Bobcat cold planer that requires 6 controlled outputs. This will work ok on items like brooms, but not much more. Not sure why they did not think ahead an allow for more outputs, but that is just the reality.
This harness allows for control of 4 solenoids. On Bobcat attachments, this does not necessarily mean 4 functions. They often use two solenoids for each function so we rely on you to check this out prior to ordering or check our published results to see if we have already done it. If you have enough outputs, check out our 6 output harness if you need to control more functions. Believe it or not, we actually sold one of these to a Bobcat machine and attachment owner who was continually having his attachment shut down due to so many connections coming out of his 7 pin. By removing the 7 pin controller and all of the wiring attributed to it, the harness was able to cut his down time to zero. He was very happy.
Use on Cat or ASV or Terex machines using a 8 pin Deutsch output.
Now the disclaimer. The "Bobcat®" trademark and logo are registered trademarks of Bobcat Company.
This is not a Bobcat product. We are not affiliated with Bobcat. We have not copied anything from Bobcat. We are not in any way trying to make you think you are buying a product from Bobcat nor are we trying to make you think you buying a product endorsed by them. We expect them to tell you the same thing. After over 20 years of designing, manufacturing and selling some pretty incredible skid steer products, we know what we are doing. We stand behind this product 100% and guarantee it will not affect the operation of your machine or your attachment. It simply bypasses the common language CanBus computer on the attachment and plugs directly into the control solenoids. It does not interact with the machine in any way. We believe this to be a much more reliable way of operating an attachment. Fewer components always means less down time.