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Chinese Concrete Mixer Electrical

Primary Chinese Attachments Quick Tips: The Mixer and the Tree Shear

So you've bought a Chinese Made Attachment, and have since realized that some corners were cut, and compatibility is a big question mark?

We can help.

Cement Mixer

The Cement Mixer is modeled after the American-designed Star Industries Scoop and Mix and the Eterra Mix and Go mixers. It features a single solenoid for chute control but does not come with a hose. Being a metric unit, you'll either need to create a custom chute or source a suitable metric hose. The primary pump action drives the paddles, with operation requiring you to press the control button while simultaneously engaging the hydraulics. Contact us if you have anymore questions.

Tree Shear

The Tree Shear utilizes a single solenoid to control the grabber arms. Similar to the Cement Mixer, the primary pump action enables the shear's functionality. To operate, simply press the control button while working the hydraulics, allowing the oil to flow to the cylinders that manage the grabbers. Contact us if you have anymore questions.

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